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Wind Resources Measurement

Wind Resources Measurement 

Wind speed is a key factor in the development of wind power projects. 
Wind power varies by the cube of wind speed. 
Wind resources measurement on a site for at least one year is needed to cover seasonal differences. 
The recording of wind resources includes wind direction and wind speed.  
After having the measurement data, it should be correlated with long-term meteorological data to estimate the average wind speed. 
The roughness of the terrain is also a key for a wind turbine siting. 
Wind resources assessment can be displayed by a wind rose, which shows the frequency of occurrence and speed of wind for each direction (see below). 
The instruments for wind resources measurement: 
  • Mechanical cup anemometers with wind vanes, 
  • Sonic anemometer, 
  • SODAR,  
  • LiDAR. 
A met mast is needed to measure wind speed at a specific height. 


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